Now you might think I am way crazy thinking about Easter all ready but I was thinking of cute, easy, cheap Easter things. Some I have personally done and some I found on the Internet.
Well, let me introduce you to my step-mom Shelia. She LOVES crafts and is VERY creative! Last year Shelia and I made so (if I may say) adorable Easter gifts! Super simple and al it takes it 10 steeps, well 9 and then enjoy! Have fun!
1. Take a small 12oz bottle and make sure the inside (and outside) is dry!
2. Take a smaller sized WHITE styrofoam ball and draw a bunny looking face.
3. Find some smaller sized candy that will fit inside the top of 12oz bottle.
4. Take the ball and press onto the bottle hard enough so it makes a mark.
5. Dig a little hole in the ball just a little deep.
6. Press the ball onto the bottle again so that the ball covers up the twist part (where the cap goes on) of the bottle.
7. Get WHITE foam and cut bunny ears out and color.
8. Take toothpicks or something and 'stab' the ears into the ball.
9. Fill the bottle with the candy.
10. ENJOY!