
Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Picking out a babysitter

When parents are picking out babysitters, they will choose who they think is best for there kids and who they are comfortable with! When introducing yourself, be YOU! Dont be some sweetheart when talking to the parents then when your hanging with your friends swearing up a storm. Obviously if your swearing you need to clean up your act before you will be getting any jobs! Show them who you are. Answer honestly! Example:

Hello! I am Sydney and I am 14. The most kids I have babysat at a time was 7. My rates are $5-$10 depending on the amount of children you have and how old they are. I have loved kids ever sense I remember! I live in (enter your city here)! My hours are very flexible. I am completely comfortable doing bedtime and mealtime.

That is just an intro. Let them ask every question in the book if they want to! You are going to be watching there babies, there gunna need to be comfortable with you! Here as some possible questions:

What age children do you most enjoy? Least enjoy? Why? Which age group are you most comfortable/experienced with? By favorite age is 7 months and 1 year. They are just so curious and it is very interesting to watch them! I dont really not enjoy any age! I like little kids because there cute but I also like older kids because it is very easy for me to connect with them! I am most experienced with kids 2 months-7 years.

Do you know how to change a diaper..and are you comfortable with changing even the really messy kinds? Absolutly! It is just another part of the job!(: Poopy diapers are okay. Hey, everyone has to go! Even babies...!

Are you comfortable being in my home at night or for an extended period? That is just fine! I have always wanted to do a night job! I dont mind staying up late, it gives me more time to clean!(:

Do you have experience in bathing children? I do! I have done babies and two year olds! I dont mind it at all!

Are you OK if a job runs later than planned? As long as it's not to bad, that is completely fine!

Do you work on holidays? Most holiday's, yes. New years and holidays like that are fine! Not Christmas. I do not babysit then but most other holidays are fine!

Why do you want to continue babysitting? I LOVE working with kids and couldn't think of doing anything else! I think it is so fun growing up with the kids and seeing there new adventures!

Well I hope this helps you out when preparing! Thanks for reading!

Sunday, June 12, 2011


Amanda, Asher's mom wrote this on Facebook today:

I was so utterly exhausted by the time we got home last night, I didn't have the energy to go into details, but here's the story on how it went down. First things first, I will clarify that from the looks of it, this was a fever-induced seizure, which is very good news. They are very common in small children and in most cases, harmless. Asher was feeling a bit under the weather yesterday when he woke up from his nap, but not so bad that I decided to stay home from the concert. But he was definitely out of it, and wanted me to hold him the entire time. He seemed warm, but I couldn't get a good read on his body temp, and though I was concerned, I never realized his temp had gotten so high (the paramedics thought it was probably 104-105, because it was close to 103 AFTER cooling him down). Anyway, he fell asleep on my shoulder during the Go Fish set, and all of sudden woke up in a start. I thought the music scared him, but I quickly realized he was having a seizure. I was in the middle of a crowd (it was outdoors) with my girls, and I ran off screaming for help. Asher turned completely blue in my arms and by all accounts wasn't breathing and his eyes were completely vacant. A random woman ran out of the crowd, grabbed Asher and put him on the ground and started doing chest compressions on him. I was hysterical, not knowing if this was necessary, but there were several people holding me back telling me that she had to. Out of nowhere, a woman ran up (an angel from God, as far as I'm concerned), told me she was a nurse and that she had to take Asher immediately. I said ok, of course, not knowing if Asher was even alive at this point. She ran off with Asher for help (fortunately, at outdoor concerts, they always have paramedics standing by). Everyone was trying to get me me to go with her, but I had left my girls in the crowd watching the show and couldn't just leave them. I gathered my girls - God gave me peace at this point, so I could stay calm in front of them - told them Asher was sick and we had to go right away. A volunteer took us on golf cart to the ambulance where they were working on Asher. All while this was happening, Andy was still performing, but someone did inform him that one of his kids was receiving medical attention. It wasn't until he saw the chaos by the ambulance that he realized it was pretty serious. They ended their set one song early, so fortunately, this didn't totally disrupt their show. At this point, I had wonderful friends supporting me, and also the paramedics were assuring me that Asher likely had a fever-induced seizure and that he was going to be ok. He was still totally out of it, but at least I knew he was alive. They rushed us both to the hospital nearby for tests and observation, and fortunately everything came back normal. The only "weird" thing is that normally kids are visibly sick with either a virus or infection when something like this happens, and aside from seeming a bit under the weather that afternoon, Asher hadn't been sick at all. But there were no infections noted in his blood, and the doctor assumed that maybe he was just starting a virus. Asher is doing SO much better today, which we are VERY thankful for. Thank you so much for your prayers...It was a very scary hour for us, but are very thankful that it wasn't any worse than it was.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Please please please pray!!

Everybody please pray!!! The Selness family, a family I babysit for very frequently, have four kids and the youngest had a seizure tonight in his moms arms! It is a very scary thing and he is only one! Please send your prayers to them!

I love you Asher!

I will keep you updated!


When ever you babysit and the kids are sleeping or watching TV, you should clean the house! Clean up the toys you played with, wash the dishes, etc. Anything you used should be put back where you found it! Cleaning doesn't mean snooping! You can clean the living room but don't dig in there cabinets! When I babysit, I pretend the parents have cameras everywhere in the house! They see everything you do, everything you say, and every move you make! You can look in the kitchen to see where the dishes go but unless you have permission, don't ever go into the parents room! Unless the childs blanket or special doll is in there, you have no right to be in there! One last thought, would you want your babysitter snooping threw your stuff??


Saturday, May 7, 2011

New, Fresh Start!!

So this blog is pretty much junk. But you know what, it's time for change! I will now start my new series on tips for babysitters! I babysit to much to post all my stories and still be able to breath so this way I will have a consistent post and it will be useful to somebody (hopefully)! I hope if your a new babysitter or an experienced babysitter that wants to see other tips, I can help ya out! If you ever want me to post about one thing specific feel free to comment it down! Enjoy!!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Givin up

I'm sure you've all givin up on this blog sense I've been posting way more on my other blog and kinda forgot about this one...

I honestly haven't been babysitting a whole lot lately to be quiet honest! On Thursday, March 3rd, I got a call from my dad holding bad news. You see on my side bar the Praying for Mona button? Well... Mona had been suffering from Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma, a type of cancer. She had bet it once already. She was clear. After going back to the Doc for a check up, the found a lump which turned out to be the same cancer again. It's was very depressing but she was strong and said she's kick cancers, well just say, butt! She was so strong threw it all! They came down to Mayo Clinic in Rochester many times for treatment. After weeks, they transported her back to North Dakota so she could be at home with her five-year-old son, Zane. It was a stressful time. In December my step mom Shelia got a call from Skyler (my uncle, Mona's husband) around noon saying she needed to drive back to North Dakota right now because Mona wasn't excepted to life past 2:30 that day. My aunt Sheryl just happened to be in the cities for work that week so they drove back to North Dakota. My dad stayed back so that he could be with me and give Shelia some time with family. They dropped everything and they some clothes in a bag then started driving on there 7 hour trip. As you can imagine after just getting a call saying your sister-in-law was going to die in two hours or so they were both very depressed and angry. They got back and she was still alive, a miracle within its self. My stepmom comes from a family of eight kids and they were all there plus close friends and my dads sister who lives in Minot came for support. Well she lived for a whole nother 3 months. Like I stated above I got a txt from my dad saying "call me when u get home". Um.. Okay? We had just got done eating out with some of Bill's (my stepdad) family and were on our way home. As we were standing outside saying our goodbyes I had seen my dad had sent my mom a txt, I couldn't read it, I just saw Pat Harper on the top of her IPhone. Well, I'm not a complete retard. I KNEW something was wrong. My dad txted my mom and my mom didn't say anything about it (usually she tells me what just hap pend), my dad just txt me saying to call him... That could only mean one thing. My grandma had passed away in January so I knew it wasn't anything about her and Mona was the only other sick person on my dad/stepmom side. As we were sitting in the car, I didn't make eye contact with my mom after reading the txt. It was peer silence in the car. I hesitated, then I spoke. "Mona died didn't she." I said to my mom. She didn't reply. "MONA DIED DIDN'T SHE!" I yelled at my mom. She slowed down the car and put her hand on my leg. "Call your dad" I called him and he asked me about my dad and school/homework. We talked for about 10 minutes just about our days and random stuff, laughing. Then we sat in silence for a few seconds. "Well Syd... Mona died this evening." I didn't say a word, just cried. "There still working on the funeral plans but you are still going to school tomorrow (friday).

I can barely see the screen so I'm going to skip to my point. I was gone from Wednesday the 9th thru Sunday the 13th. It was a pretty stressful time so I took the next week off. I couldn't handle myself. So I 're-opened' this week (also my spring break) and had the privilege to babysit Wednesday for E, B, C and As. It was so fun! So far I have NOTHING in my calender as far as babysitting! It kinda makes me sad... So if you need a babysitter CALL (or txt or facebook or comment on here or email) ME! I want to get my business rollin' again! Like I tell everybody, you can't ask enough!

Have a great rest of the month guys!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Moo, Baa, Quack

Partied in babysitting terms: Run around the house crazily.

Tonight I babysat Cal. She is so unbelievably smart! She has this book called Olivia's Opposites so I read it to her then she wanted to reread it. So I flipped to the first page and she said all of the opposites all by herself! It amazes me how fast little kids learn! We had a very fun night! We ate dinner (a very nummy meal that had noddles, cooked carrots, cooked broccoli, and chicken). Cal told me everything that was on my plate! Shicken, broce and crths! After dinner we danced and 'partied'. I had a very fun night and she was sad to go to sleep (so Ill take that as she had a lot of fun). Once K and N got home they gave me European candy from there trip to Europe! Then K brought me home and we got to talk about toys and Target (my fav store if you haven't read already). Overall I had a fantastic night with Cal and a fun drive home talking about toys and babysitting!

(this is my candy!! Im so excited to try it!)

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Fashionably Busy

Okay so I'm pretty sure everyone has givin' up on this blog because you all know I'm always babysitting, yet there is never any new post! My excuse: hmm... To much babysitting to blog? No actually I had a plan to blog this weekend and catch up (I still read 24/7 just don't write). Guess what happened? I got booked! Friday I babysat for the Selness's!!! It was so much fun! Saturday I babysat for a new family, the Faul's! They have a little girl and little boy who are ADORABLE! Then today I went to church, then hung out with one of my friends Olivia (Liv, Livy)! After hanging out I babysat for the Selness's small group! I am now typing a small paragraph about that! Tomorrow is school. Blaaah... I rather babysit and not sleep for a whole day then go to school. Oh well, kinda off topic! I have babysat for the Cartmil's as well (those kids are just to cute).

So far I am loving every minute of babysitting! Sure there's kids who don't want to go to bed or make a thousand excuses to have another pudding, but that's okay. I think it is way more fun playing then sitting in a brown office in a suit all day! But then again, that's just me. Because of all my wonderful babysitting families I have got to buy myself a pair of UGGS! I saved and saved my money and had enough (plus some) to buy some fancy shoes! They are wonderful.

Tonight when I was babysitting for the Selness's small group I told C that I was running away because nobody liked me (totally joking). She started tearing up and said "No Sydney! I like you. If you run away I'm going to run away too!" How cute is that. I of course told her I was joking and would never do that. She also told me I needed to move into her house by tomorrow night. It's cute little 'kid' sayings like that, that when I'm having a bad day, bring me up. Well better head of to bed (got to get up for that school thing tomorrow).

Have a fantastic week!

Saturday, January 1, 2011


I am now back in buisness! Feel free to txt, email, call or facebook me! Have a good day!