Tonight I babysat Cal. She is so unbelievably smart! She has this book called Olivia's Opposites so I read it to her then she wanted to reread it. So I flipped to the first page and she said all of the opposites all by herself! It amazes me how fast little kids learn! We had a very fun night! We ate dinner (a very nummy meal that had noddles, cooked carrots, cooked broccoli, and chicken). Cal told me everything that was on my plate! Shicken, broce and crths! After dinner we danced and 'partied'. I had a very fun night and she was sad to go to sleep (so Ill take that as she had a lot of fun). Once K and N got home they gave me European candy from there trip to Europe! Then K brought me home and we got to talk about toys and Target (my fav store if you haven't read already). Overall I had a fantastic night with Cal and a fun drive home talking about toys and babysitting!
(this is my candy!! Im so excited to try it!)