I'm sure you've all givin up on this blog sense I've been posting way more on my other blog and kinda forgot about this one...
I honestly haven't been babysitting a whole lot lately to be quiet honest! On Thursday, March 3rd, I got a call from my dad holding bad news. You see on my side bar the Praying for Mona button? Well... Mona had been suffering from Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma, a type of cancer. She had bet it once already. She was clear. After going back to the Doc for a check up, the found a lump which turned out to be the same cancer again. It's was very depressing but she was strong and said she's kick cancers, well just say, butt! She was so strong threw it all! They came down to Mayo Clinic in Rochester many times for treatment. After weeks, they transported her back to North Dakota so she could be at home with her five-year-old son, Zane. It was a stressful time. In December my step mom Shelia got a call from Skyler (my uncle, Mona's husband) around noon saying she needed to drive back to North Dakota right now because Mona wasn't excepted to life past 2:30 that day. My aunt Sheryl just happened to be in the cities for work that week so they drove back to North Dakota. My dad stayed back so that he could be with me and give Shelia some time with family. They dropped everything and they some clothes in a bag then started driving on there 7 hour trip. As you can imagine after just getting a call saying your sister-in-law was going to die in two hours or so they were both very depressed and angry. They got back and she was still alive, a miracle within its self. My stepmom comes from a family of eight kids and they were all there plus close friends and my dads sister who lives in Minot came for support. Well she lived for a whole nother 3 months. Like I stated above I got a txt from my dad saying "call me when u get home". Um.. Okay? We had just got done eating out with some of Bill's (my stepdad) family and were on our way home. As we were standing outside saying our goodbyes I had seen my dad had sent my mom a txt, I couldn't read it, I just saw Pat Harper on the top of her IPhone. Well, I'm not a complete retard. I KNEW something was wrong. My dad txted my mom and my mom didn't say anything about it (usually she tells me what just hap pend), my dad just txt me saying to call him... That could only mean one thing. My grandma had passed away in January so I knew it wasn't anything about her and Mona was the only other sick person on my dad/stepmom side. As we were sitting in the car, I didn't make eye contact with my mom after reading the txt. It was peer silence in the car. I hesitated, then I spoke. "Mona died didn't she." I said to my mom. She didn't reply. "MONA DIED DIDN'T SHE!" I yelled at my mom. She slowed down the car and put her hand on my leg. "Call your dad" I called him and he asked me about my dad and school/homework. We talked for about 10 minutes just about our days and random stuff, laughing. Then we sat in silence for a few seconds. "Well Syd... Mona died this evening." I didn't say a word, just cried. "There still working on the funeral plans but you are still going to school tomorrow (friday).
I can barely see the screen so I'm going to skip to my point. I was gone from Wednesday the 9th thru Sunday the 13th. It was a pretty stressful time so I took the next week off. I couldn't handle myself. So I 're-opened' this week (also my spring break) and had the privilege to babysit Wednesday for E, B, C and As. It was so fun! So far I have NOTHING in my calender as far as babysitting! It kinda makes me sad... So if you need a babysitter CALL (or txt or facebook or comment on here or email) ME! I want to get my business rollin' again! Like I tell everybody, you can't ask enough!
Have a great rest of the month guys!
Guess What???
12 years ago