Today I nannied B, C and As. E was at my house playing with my sister. We had a MOPS play date at a park so I just went home with Am. Lets just start off saying I bought the girls gum (each there own pack to save from a fight). When we got in the car Am went to go say bye to E. I gave the other two girls a piece of there gum. We had a big 'fight' that C wanted to hold her gum packed but Am and I wouldn't let her because A- she would eat all the gum before we got home or B- it would get all over the brand new van! Neither good! We got home and Am put As down for a nap. Or so we thought! She came down to put C down for a nap and when she can down we talked and all of a sudden hear this noise from the monitor. As was awake. Oh baby!! So we let him talk for a minute then Am and Mr left. Do you know how hard it is to remember all of these 'fake' names! I played play dough with B. It was fun then it got boring. As kept talking so I figured I go get him. I brought him down and feed him some mixed veggies. Nummy :P He ate then I was walking to lay him down again and started going up the stairs. Here comes miss.C! Maybe I wont lay him down. I had told the girls earlier that I would take them to the park so I got some snacks and water into the diaper bag (with diapers too :) ). Then I buckled As in and told C to get buckled. B had to walk because we couldn't find the babyjorn :( C couldn't get buckled because it was to tight so I told her just to buckle the top two. I wasn't to worried about her jumping out. After a few fits and different arrangements we were on our way.
It was hot out which I didn't realize until we were almost to the park. I figured I'll just have to keep As cool and the other two will play and be fine. Well As feel asleep, B and C wanted to go home and I was crabby from the heat. Not a good combo! C had to poop and B wanted to go home so I thought, well were at a school park so they will have summer school and we can just go in there bathrooms! The doors were locked. Now were ALL (minus the babe) VERY crabby. C got half buckled and b sat on the front. It was SO hard to push because of B's weight right on the edge. We walked home as fast as I could walk with a busy 4-way in the middle of it all. We got home, C and B got out I put the stroller in the garage and closed the garage door. I told myself that I would never bring the kids to the park myself again! I went inside set the popsicles on the counter and went back to the garage. I got out my purse the diaper bag and everything else. Then As. He was half asleep so that's why he was last. Once I grabed him to get him out he was fully awake. I brought him inside I feed him mixed fruits. Much better than veggies! ;) He barley started eating before his sisters started fighting. I bet you don't know what about! Sharing peanuts. Yep... We got that situation figured out, got the girls busy cleaning and then got some more mixed fruits in da belly! We listened to.... Ya know Go Fish! Then I tried laying As down but he decided to talk instead. I went and got him. Its kinda hard to put him down because he gets tackled with sisters, starts crying and then I have to go get him. So I told the girls to go in the play room and listen for the ice cream truck and if they saw the truck, I would buy them ice cream! I've never seen them run so fast! :) I got to put As down and clean the counters/tables/highchair and living room. I got the counters/tables/highchair done and then hear some interesting talking!
I stood by the play room listening to the girls yelling out the window "I'm going to kidnap you boy!" Hmmm... "Excuse me? Your going to kidnap someone?!?!" Giggles "We were just joking silly!'' "Mhm! No more please!" "FINE!" "Thank you...!'' Then they come out and start the peanut fight again. "Ok sense you don't want to share, then you can have separate bowls!" "GOOD!" "GOOD!" Then I hear the door open. Oh my gosh, someone just broke in! AH! Nope just Am! Thank goodness!! Talking, talking... "Ok, lets go!" Little bit of time, ok lets go for real! Get in car, buckle up, ready to go. Arrive at my house, talk, fun fun fun! Bye!!
Today was fun and cant wait to babysit your child some day!