
Wednesday, July 21, 2010


I have read the comments on the 'Coupon' post. EVERYBODY who comments gets one free day/night. How you pay? Become a follower! Cheap hu! That's it. Comment, follow, find a date night! Your probably thinking, haha, yea right! SERIOUSLY! I'm trying to get my name out there so I figure who is going to give up a night with no kids and no babysitter pay! You can only get one free night per family.

Have fun commenting!


Unknown said...

I am leaving you a comment whether you bbsit for a date night for me or not! You are great...the kiddos loved you today, thanks for giving them a bath too! Hope you found what we talked about in the van! wink...wink...

Sydney said...

WARNING! You must become a follower by the 1st. 30th night I will check and see who are my followers and those peeps will get the coupon!